“If I am able, are you?” Sadao asked. “No,” Hana said, “But if you can do it alone...” Sadao hesitated again. “The strange thing is,” he said, “that if the man were whole I could turn him over to the police without difficulty. I care nothing for him. He is my enemy. All Americans are my enemy. And he is only a common fellow. You see how foolish his face is. But since he is wounded...” \hfill (The Enemy)
(a) State the following:
(i) Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions
A solution of glucose (molar mass = 180 g mol) in water has a boiling point of 100.20°C. Calculate the freezing point of the same solution. Molal constants for water and are 1.86 K kg mol and 0.512 K kg mol respectively.
Write the reactions involved when D-glucose is treated with the following reagents: (a) HCN (b) Br water
Identify A and B in each of the following reaction sequence:
Would you expect benzaldehyde to be more reactive or less reactive in nucleophilic addition reactions than propanal? Justify your answer.