
Drinking of alcohol affects :

Updated On: Jul 28, 2022
  • cerebrum
  • cerebellum
  • medulla oblongata
  • diencephalon
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

The cerebellum is involved in movements by influencing the upper motor neurons. This function may be disrupted due to the introduction of alcohol in the blood. Alcohol consumption leads to alteration of the structures of the brain. Alcohol affects the cerebellum and consequently affects the bodily movements. There is the loss of coordinated movements and balance leading to ataxia. There are memory loss and difficulty in speech and language.
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Concepts Used:

Nervous System

The nervous system, often known as the neural system, is a sophisticated network of neurons dedicated to the transmission of messages. As we progress up the food chain, the neurological system becomes more sophisticated.

Nervous System

Functions of Nervous System:

The nervous system's most basic job is to govern the organism's movement and to influence the environment (e.g., through pheromones). This is accomplished by transmitting signals from one cell to another, or from one body component to another. Signals that travel to muscle cells cause muscles to contract, and signals that travel to endocrine cells cause hormones to be released into the circulation or other internal fluids to cause the nervous system's output.