
Class is the category of taxonomy which includes related

Updated On: Jun 14, 2022
  • families
  • orders
  • genus
  • species
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

The class is the category of taxonomy, which is made up of one or more related orders like e.g., the class-Mammalia of animals includes all mammals either oviparous or viviparous. Taxonomic category like family includes related genera. For example Solanaceae includes a number of genera like Solanum, Atropa and Petunia and genera like tiger, lion leopard are included in family- Felidae. Spiecies is the basic category of taxonomy and also in evolution.
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Concepts Used:

The Living World

  • The living world includes a vast variety of living organisms like plants, animals, and even microorganisms that exist on the earth.
  • These organisms also differ in size, color, habitat, physiology, and morphology.
  • Biologists have developed certain rules and principles supplementary which are helpful in the identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms.
  • Such rules and principles lie in Taxonomy.
  • The taxonomic studies are very helpful and useful in specific fields like forestry, industry, agriculture, and for knowing our bio-resources.
  • All discovered living organisms are being named so that they are known by the same name throughout the world.
  • Each biological name is a collection of a generic name indicating the genus of an organism and a specific name that indicates the species.