
Choose the correct combination

Updated On: Jul 31, 2023
  • annelida and porifera?phyla
  • oligochaeta and arthropoda? phyla
  • mollusca and hydrozoa?classes
  • aves and chordata?classes
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Phylum is the topmost taxonomic category restricted to the animal kingdom. It includes one or more classes and is included within a kingdom in the taxonomic hierarchy.

A phylum called annelida is named after the Latin word annellus, which means "little ring." Annelids are frequently referred to as "segmented worms" because they develop a protostome when in their embryonic stages. They may be found in a range of habitats, such as freshwater, terrestrial, and marine settings. Annelids include creatures like earthworms, leeches, and polychaete worms.

The brain and digestive systems of annelids are highly developed, and their reproductive strategies exhibit sexual dimorphism. Invertebrate animals having bilateral symmetry called annelids. They are coelomate and triploblastic. Annelids are most easily recognised by their segmented bodies.

The following Phylum Annelida examples are provided:

A categorization of aquatic organisms is the Porifera phylum. In the Kingdom Animalia, they are the lowest multicellular creatures. Sponge-like organisms belong to the phylum Porifera, which goes by the name of sponges. They cannot move since they are fixed to the substratum. Poriferans are capable of absorbing and retaining liquids. Porifera are the earliest multicellular organisms that possess pores. In this phylum, 5000 species in diverse sizes, shapes, and colours have been found so far.

In the Phylum Porifera, every species possesses distinctive qualities. They are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually. They participate in both the budding and fragmentation processes since they are asexual once more. Eggs and sperm combine during sexual reproduction. 

Due to their green colour and symbiotic association with algae, they were once thought to as plants. They were eventually classified as members of the animal kingdom once their life cycle and feeding strategy were found.

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Concepts Used:

Classification of Animals

Classification of Animal Kingdom:

One of the most fundamental forms of classification of animals is the presence or absence of the notochord. Hence, two major groups exist, namely: Chordates and Non-chordates

Non-chordates and the Chordates-

  • The notochord is a flexible rod made out of a material similar to cartilage. If an animal has a notochord during any stage of its life, it is classified as a chordate. Contrary to popular belief, chordates do not exclusively include vertebrates.
  • There are invertebrates that possess a notochord during some point in their lives and hence, are classified as chordates. Thus all vertebrates are chordates but not all chordates are vertebrates.


  • Non-chordates are animals without a notochord – the rod-like elastic structure that supports the body. This phylum consists of a small group of worm-like, marine species with an organ-system level of organization.
  • Members of phylum Porifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Hemichordata fall under Non-chordates

Vertebrates Classification:

The subphylum Vertebrata is divided into five classes of vertebrates. These five classes of vertebrates comprise of all the species of animals and have developed vertebral column as well as an internal skeleton.

Other characteristic features of vertebrates are-

  • Presence of a true vertebral column and internal skeleton with muscle attachment points for body movement.
  • A front-side muscular heart with two, three or four chambers.
  • Kidneys for excretion and osmoregulation
  • A paired appendages which may be fins or limbs.
  • Possess notochord during the embryonic stage.
  • Vertebrates are the only chordates to possess a brain as a part of the central nervous system.

Classification of Vertebrates-

  • Pisces
  • Amphibia
  • Reptilia
  • Aves
  • Mammalia