
Both earth and moon are subjected to the gravitational force of the sun. As observed from the sun, the orbit of the moon

Updated On: Jul 6, 2022
  • will be elliptical
  • will not be strictly elliptical because the total gravitational force on it is not central
  • is not elliptical but will necessarily be a closed curve
  • deviates considerably from being elliptical due to influence of planets other than earth
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Moon revolves around the earth in a nearly circular orbit. Sun exerts gravitational force on both, earth and moon. When observed from the sun, the orbit of the moon will not be strictly elliptical because the total gravitational force on it (i.e. force due to earth on moon and force due to sun on moon) is not central.
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Concepts Used:


In mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter is known as Gravity, also called gravitation, . It is the weakest known force in nature.

Newton’s Law of Gravitation

According to Newton’s law of gravitation, “Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force whose magnitude is,

  • F ∝ (M1M2) . . . . (1)
  • (F ∝ 1/r2) . . . . (2)

On combining equations (1) and (2) we get,

F ∝ M1M2/r2

F = G × [M1M2]/r2 . . . . (7)

Or, f(r) = GM1M2/r2

The dimension formula of G is [M-1L3T-2].