Electromagnetic radiation is organized in the electromagnetic spectrum, ordered based on wavelength. The order of electromagnetic radiation according to wavelength, from longest to shortest is: Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible light, Ultraviolet, X-rays and
Gamma rays. Therefore:
• Microwaves: These have the longest wavelength of the given options and the lowest energy
• Visible rays: Visible light has an intermediate wavelength, ranging between about 400- 700 nm
• X-rays: X-rays have a shorter wavelength than visible light, and are associated with higher energy.
• Gamma rays: Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest energy amongst the given radiations.
The correct order of decreasing wavelength is therefore, Microwaves > Visible rays> X-rays > Gamma rays
Europium (Eu) resembles Calcium (Ca) in the following ways:
(A). Both are diamagnetic
(B). Insolubility of their sulphates and carbonates in water
(C). Solubility of these metals in liquid NH3
(D). Insolubility of their dichlorides in strong HCI
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: