A starts 3 min after B for a place 4.5 km distant B, on reaching his destination, immediately returns and after walking a km meets A. if A can walk 1 km in 18 minutes, then what is B's speed?
The correct option is (A): 5 Explation: Explanation: Let B's speed be \(x\) km/hr and A's speed = \(\frac{60}{18}=\frac{10}{3}\) km/hr Distance covered by B in 3 minutes = \(\frac{x}{20}\) km Now, time taken by A to travel 3.5 km = Time taken by B to travel 5.5 km - 3 minutes \(= 3.5 \times\frac{3}{10} =\frac{5.5}{x}-\frac{3}{60}\) \(=\) 1.05 +0.05 =\(\frac{5.5}{x}\) \(=\)\(x\)=\(\frac{5.5}{1.1}\)=5 km/hr