A colloid is a heterogenous system in which one substance is dispersed as very fine particles in another substance called dispersion medium. Colloids are classfied on the basis of physical state of dispersed phase and dispersion medium. Nature of interaction between dispersed phase and dispersion medium and types of particles of dispersed phase. There are various methods for the preparation of collodial solutions such as chemical methods, electrical disintegration and peptization. Colloidal solutions when prepared, generally contain excessive amount of electrolytes, and some other soluble impurities. The process used for reducing the amount of impurities to a requisite minimum is known as purification of collodial solution. Purification of collodial solution is carried out by various methods such as Dialysis, Electrodialysis, Ultrafiltration etc. Colligative properties, Tyndall effect, colour, Brownian movement charge on collodial particles, electrophoresis, congulation are various properties exhibited by colloidal solution.