
A bar magnet of moment M is bent into are, its moment

Updated On: Jul 5, 2022
  • decreases
  • increases
  • does not change
  • may change
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Magnetic moment of a magnet $=ml$ where, $m=$ pole strength $l=$ effective distance between the two poles When it the magnet is bent in arc, the effective distance between the two poles decreases and so the Magnetic Moment.
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Concepts Used:

Moving Charges and Magnetism

Moving charges generate an electric field and the rate of flow of charge is known as current. This is the basic concept in Electrostatics. Another important concept related to moving electric charges is the magnetic effect of current. Magnetism is caused by the current.


  • The relationship between a Moving Charge and Magnetism is that Magnetism is produced by the movement of charges.
  • And Magnetism is a property that is displayed by Magnets and produced by moving charges, which results in objects being attracted or pushed away.

Magnetic Field:

Region in space around a magnet where the Magnet has its Magnetic effect is called the Magnetic field of the Magnet. Let us suppose that there is a point charge q (moving with a velocity v and, located at r at a given time t) in presence of both the electric field E (r) and the magnetic field B (r). The force on an electric charge q due to both of them can be written as,

F = q [ E (r) + v × B (r)] ≡ EElectric +Fmagnetic 

This force was based on the extensive experiments of Ampere and others. It is called the Lorentz force.